Wait it out. Abu Dhabi – India – Nepal

One important thing before we move to Nepal with all the news. It is this in-between trip UAE-Nepal. I think it might be useful and important for you. So sorry for the delay, but I really want you to know this. You know, practical stuff. Continue reading Wait it out. Abu Dhabi – India – Nepal

Abu Dhabi – Shine bright like a Diamond

Before I went to Abu Dhabi I was sure I wanted to visit the Grand Mosque and the Great Market I’ve seen in Sex and the City 2. After conversation with JJ it turned out that the movie was filmed partially in Morocco, and the Market scene as well. I wouldn’t say that it ruined my whole life, but I got really disappointed about it. “So this is how the movie branch screws us”, I thought, or is this my ignorance of knowing it? I can’t be the only one who thought it was filmed all in Abu Dhabi, right?

Continue reading Abu Dhabi – Shine bright like a Diamond