Everything you want to know when booking flight tickets online – pt.2

At first I thought I covered pretty much everything about booking tickets in my last post. But with looking for my next flight ticket I realized there is still much to talk about. And I hope it will be everything this time, or at least most of it. So, let’s begin! Continue reading Everything you want to know when booking flight tickets online – pt.2

Everything you want to know when booking flight tickets online

I would like to share few tips for you, as I thought they might be useful for you. There are few things that I’ve learned, which I didn’t know before. Some of them are pretty surprising! So.. where to begin?

  • When you are looking for the flights in the internet you could think that the prices on the official website of the airline are lower, as there are no agents between you and the airline. This is not always true, as the prices on the flight scanners are often lower as they have prices with the internet discounts.

Continue reading Everything you want to know when booking flight tickets online

Money, money, money, must be funny…

Every day I am being asked about the preparations for the trip, what have I already done and whether I already have bought the flight tickets, etc. etc. So to make everything clear I’ve decided to write the post about those preparations. The current situation looks like that: Continue reading Money, money, money, must be funny…