2015 in 5×5

So here it is, brand new year 2016! I’m traveling already for 12 months and slowly getting to the end! How would I summarise the last year? In points, as I don’t have Internet in here.

Continue reading 2015 in 5×5

Wait it out. Abu Dhabi – India – Nepal

One important thing before we move to Nepal with all the news. It is this in-between trip UAE-Nepal. I think it might be useful and important for you. So sorry for the delay, but I really want you to know this. You know, practical stuff. Continue reading Wait it out. Abu Dhabi – India – Nepal

Abu Dhabi – Shine bright like a Diamond

Before I went to Abu Dhabi I was sure I wanted to visit the Grand Mosque and the Great Market I’ve seen in Sex and the City 2. After conversation with JJ it turned out that the movie was filmed partially in Morocco, and the Market scene as well. I wouldn’t say that it ruined my whole life, but I got really disappointed about it. “So this is how the movie branch screws us”, I thought, or is this my ignorance of knowing it? I can’t be the only one who thought it was filmed all in Abu Dhabi, right?

Continue reading Abu Dhabi – Shine bright like a Diamond

Forbidden Fruits – About sex, drugs, pork and rock’n’roll

UAE have definitely much to offer, there is no doubt in that. But there is always something for something and I don’t mean here money, which would be pretty obvious thing. UAE doesn’t only mean rich people, luxurious malls or interesting landscapes. It means also religion, and about that, as well in general they are pretty strict. What is sacred, is sacred and what is not allowed, is not allowed. And they keep it that way. And what is not allowed? Sex, drugs and Rock & Roll. And Pork.

Continue reading Forbidden Fruits – About sex, drugs, pork and rock’n’roll

I wanna be a billionaire so freaking bad…. – about Dubai Mall and Gold Souq

Can you imagine a better place for shopping than Dubai? There are of course many other places like London, Venice, and other cities, but when it´s about service that you get, there is only one option. My first impression about Dubai is that it was made for two things: business and shopping (which is actually business as well, so let´s call it one thing). Expensive hotels, restaurants, malls and many other places invite you to spend your money at them. Continue reading I wanna be a billionaire so freaking bad…. – about Dubai Mall and Gold Souq