Don´t cry for me Argentina…

“…The truth is I never left you…” and I will never will. At least not on my mind. You’ll be always on my mind, and I will always think of you kind. Well, apart of the Salta incident which I will never forgive you for {dramatic music}.

Continue reading Don´t cry for me Argentina…

Buena Vista Maté Club

I’m sorry about the long break in posting, coming back home and pre-Easter hassle was the only thing in my mind in those few weeks. I haven’t forgotten about you though and I’ll keep posting about everything from home now!

If there is anything Argentinias are crazy about, it´s Maté. I´ve heard once that Argentinians won´t decline 3 things: maté, water and… blowjob 🙂 I can confirm two of those! If you want you can check all three of them 🙂

Continue reading Buena Vista Maté Club

NYE. Felicidades!

One year ago I have started my trip on New Year´s Eve. I took the 5,5h long flight from Czech Republic to Dubai. It was a very very very busy time, full of Hindus everywhere and hassle, but still magnificent freworks and this BIG feeling that I have started my BIG trip around the world! And my plan was to spend next NYE with my parents (as well as Christmas). Well. As we all know it didn´t really work out.

Continue reading NYE. Felicidades!

I need a dollar… and how NOT to make money in Argentina

And here come my sad story from Christmas, when I have been robbed in Salta and I never visited the place again. I moved straight away to Agnieszka in El Carmen, Jujuy. I needed to rest from the people, the stress and everything else. And I did.

Continue reading I need a dollar… and how NOT to make money in Argentina